Maximize Your Productivity: 10 Easy DIY Computer Monitor Stands - Android Tricks 4 All
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Maximize Your Productivity: 10 Easy DIY Computer Monitor Stands

There are times when working with PCs can be a daunting task due to unnatural screen mounting, back strain, and other challenges. For maximum productivity, you need a suitable computer monitor stand. You can build one on a budget with readily available resources. Here are 10 unique DIY computer monitor stands you can make at home.

1. Motorized Monitor Lift Stand

A motorized monitor lift stand will let you adjust the height and position of your screen automatically. The stand also allows you to clear the clutter on the desk since the monitor will be out of the way when you’re at the desk.

This hack is easy since most of the parts you need can be bought from your local hardware store. With a jigsaw and a cordless drill, you’ll only invest a few hours in creating the new motorized setup.

Once the setup is complete, you'll discover that it's possible to get the benefits of multiple monitors without losing your precious desk space.

2. PC Monitor Stand with LED Lights

If you've watched most content creators who specialize in streaming games on You Tuber or Twitch, you must've have noticed the glow in the back or bottom of their monitors. The glow may be pulsating different RGB hues or have a single color.

Nonetheless, you can easily achieve a similar effect with your current monitor. If you end up trying this hack, you'll be saving money since the off-the-shelf solution can be costly.

Adding the ambient light under the monitor requires LED strips hooked to an Arduino. The purpose of the microcontroller is to read the screen bleed off at the edge of the monitor projecting the same properties to the LEDs which light up the wall behind.

This creates a cool effect of continuity so that the color on your display are somewhat extended to the background.

Here are other stunning LED light projects we’ve compiled that’ll inspire you.

3. Hidden Wires Monitor Stand

Clutter from cables causes unsightliness that most PC users hate. Regardless of how well you try to hide the dozens of wires, they always seem to reappear on the desk in a few days. This project helps you address this challenge once and for all.

If you have two monitors, you'll need a pair of hollow shelves which should be crafted into a stand. The hollow part will accommodate the wires and power bricks from the different computer peripherals. Make sure to join the monitor to the stand with the exposed part of the shelves facing the wall behind the desk.

Related: Easy Electronics for Beginners

4. Triple Monitor Stand

Ever wondered what it would be like using three monitors at your desk? For starters, it's likely going to boost your productivity while creating a better entertainment experience. Programmers and video editors are probably going to find the most use for this setup.

Regardless of whether you fall into this category perfectly, it won't hurt to have more screen real estate. After all, its 2021, and everyone has become a digital content creator in one way or another.

For this hack, you'll use lumber, elastic straps, bolts, and wing nut washers to connect the monitors to the wooden stand. Once you're done, you'll realize that your desk is cleaner, and the monitors have this cool floating effect.

5. Adjustable Height Stand

The position of your monitor relative to your eyes is an important determinant of your productivity. Also, standing desks have been shown to boost productivity by forcing you to remain alert throughout a session. The benefits of a standing desk can be replicated with an adjustable height stand for your monitor.

Like most projects discussed here, you'll need to obtain some high-quality wood pieces, screws, bolts, brackets, and washers. The most important part of the project is to measure the slider column appropriately since you want maximum comfort whether you’re seated or standing.

If you spend lots of hours at the desk, the project will save your back from strain.

6. Pallet Monitor Stand

A wood pallet monitor stand is a fun project that anyone can complete in less than an hour. The main benefit of this hack is increasing your desk space so that you don't have to resort to placing important peripherals on the floor.

You probably already know that the key item you need for this is wood pallet. Once you're done with the joinery, it’s advisable to sand and finish the wood so chips and splinters don't impact productivity.

You may consider staining the top surface to add character to the extension. Use your imagination to decide what color appeals to you the most.

7. Smart Monitor Stand

If you're a fan of minimalism or the stoic philosophy, you are the perfect candidate for this project. It helps you hide your keyboard when you are not using it, while giving you three USB ports to use.

There are many situations where this hack is handy such as when you want to sit back and watch a movie or inspect a large image. The keyboard would only get in the way of your work in such cases.

With basic hand tools and an extension cable, you'll have this setup ready to use in a few hours. Consider sanding and painting the finished platform for a uniform look.

8. PVC Monitor Stand

With new displays hitting the market yearly, upgrading a monitor has become quite common. Wondering what you can do with the old units? If you can't bring yourself to sell them off, it's time to create a mount that accommodates them on the desk.

If all your monitors have VESA mount holes, you’ll only need to connect the PVC pipe using metal hangers. On completion, your setup will not only look great, but will keep you more productive, thanks to the extended display.

9. Cardboard Monitor Stand

You don't have to throw your old cardboards into the garbage bin if your monitor doesn’t have a proper stand. The board can be reused if your screen doesn’t have an adjustable stand and is difficult to use.

Keeping the cardboard aligned properly is crucial since its structure is usually stronger on one side. As a tip, you want the triangular tubes to run through the board sitting perpendicular to the desk.

This hack is great because you can always trim the stand to accommodate a lower monitor height.

10. Portrait Monitor Stand

Vertically installed monitors can be useful in many real-life situations such as reading PDFs, working with IDEs, and using MS Word. This project guides you on the easiest way to permanently rotate your screen.

Remember, it'll be necessary to dismantle the monitor from its manufacturer's stand. The new mount will be wooden with screws and nuts holding everything together.

Build a Monitor Stand That Suits Your Needs

There you have it, 10 excellent projects you can try with your desk monitor(s). Despite being relatively cheap, the projects will boost your productivity tremendously. Try one this weekend and see the difference.

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