What Is Apple Arcade? An Introduction - Android Tricks 4 All
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What Is Apple Arcade? An Introduction

For anyone with an Apple device, there's a great way to experience a wide variety of games for one monthly subscription.

We're taking a closer look at Apple Arcade and what you can expect if you subscribe.

What Is Apple Arcade?

Think of Apple Arcade as a kind of Netflix for gaming. There are almost 200 different titles you can play on your Apple device, whether it's a Mac, iPhone, iPad, or even an Apple TV.

The available games span the gamut from simple and family-friendly titles to more complex simulations. Generally, there is something for everyone to experience and enjoy, even if you're not a huge gamer.

All of the games are accessible on the above platforms through their respective App Stores. And the great news is that Apple continues to add new games on a regular basis to make the service even better.

How Much Is Apple Arcade a Month?

You can subscribe to Apple Arcade for $4.99 per month. With a subscription, you can download and play every single game on the service. And none of them have extra paywalls or in-app purchases.

The great news is that Apple Arcade offers Family Sharing for free. That means you can share the subscription with up to five other family members, making it an even better deal for multiple users to experience all of the gaming action.

You can take advantage of a one-month free trial of Apple Arcade to try it out and see if it's for you.

Just to note, Apple Arcade is also included in all of the current Apple One bundles. Those are definitely something to consider if you're looking to subscribe to more than one Apple service, like Apple TV+ and Apple Music.

Depending on which option you select, you can save up to $25 per month by purchasing a bundle instead of buying all the services separately.

Related: Apple One Explained: What Is It and How Much Does It Cost?

Are Apple Arcade Games Exclusive?

For the most part, games aren't exclusive to Apple Arcade. You can find many of the titles on other platforms, like the Nintendo Switch and Steam.

One place you won't be able to play games you see on Apple Arcade is on Android.

But the good news is that with the subscription pricing, it's definitely a better bargain playing on Apple Arcade than other services.

Can You Play Apple Arcade Games Offline?

This is one of the best features of any Apple Arcade game: Once downloaded, every title on the service can be played offline and without an internet connection.

That makes Apple Arcade perfect for anyone looking to keep entertained on a long plane ride or a car trip with spotty or non-existent service.

Do Apple Arcade Titles Need a Controller?

For anyone with a wireless game controller, the good news is that the wide majority of Apple Arcade titles can be played with a controller.

That brings a different level of control to your gaming experience, especially when playing on the big screen of the Apple TV. A few titles do require a controller.

Related: How to Connect a Game Controller to Your iPad or iPhone

How to Subscribe to Apple Arcade

Getting started with Apple Arcade takes just a few steps. Make sure your Apple device has the most recent software update installed.

If you're using a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, open the App Store app and select the Arcade tab. On Apple TV, there is a specific Apple Arcade app. You'll select the Try it Free tab to start your subscription.

Related: How to Get Started Playing Games With Apple Arcade

Enjoy Gaming With Apple Arcade

If you're looking for a quick and low-cost gaming fix, with a wide variety of different options, it's hard to go wrong with Apple Arcade with its Family Sharing and offline play.

But if you're still on the fence about subscribing, there are a few issues to consider.

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