Getting started with journaling isn't always easy, especially if you're not sure what you're supposed to be writing about. If you use a journaling template, though, you have one big advantage: your path is laid out before you. All that you have to do is fill everything in.
Try out these seven templates for Evernote and OneNote (Or any other journaling system, for that matter). One of them is bound to help you take the habit from a routine to a lifestyle.
Creating Journaling Templates

The easiest way to use journal templates is to create your own template files in Evernote or OneNote. This way, you can quickly access them whenever you sit down to journal.
You could always copy and paste them, but saving yourself the trouble with a reusable template is much more efficient in the long run. It's also likely to help you stick to the habit. When things are easy, we tend to be more inclined to do them.
1. Weekly Overview Template

Reddit user Mark1501 posted this weekly overview template. It can help you look back at your week, think about your successes and shortcomings, and plan for what's ahead. He suggests setting aside about 30 minutes every Sunday to use it.
1) How did my week go?
- What success did I experience? What can I celebrate? What can I be proud of?
- What were some of the most wonderful, unexpected things that happened?
- What challenges did I endure?
- What didn't I achieve this week? What are the reasons?
2) What did I learn this week?
- About myself?
- About others?
- What do I plan to do—differently or the same—tomorrow?
3) Who did I interact with?
- What was interesting about them?
- Anyone I need to update?
- Thank? Ask a question?
- Share information or feedback with?
4) My Top Three Goals for the Coming Week, Either Business or Personal
- ...
- ...
- ...
5) Upload the nicest and most inspiring photos of the week
All of these intention-setting prompts will help you evaluate yourself and draw conclusions about how to improve your life. As you keep up with the habit, you will develop a sense of mindfulness about yourself and how you live.
2. Daily Snapshot Template

This template from Journal 365 is the perfect place to start when reflecting on your entire day. It's a great way to capture how you're feeling.
A picture from the day
My thoughts as I meditated in the morning
Looking back over today, this stands out in my personal life
Looking back over today, this stands out in my home life
Looking back over today, this stands out in my work life
Today's weather
What was the major news of the day?
Any particular feelings about it?
As you can see, this is a very detailed template, and if you answer all the questions, it could take you a while to get your entire entry written. On your busier days, it's totally fine to pick and choose to only write what's most important.
3. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual Reflections Template

Asian Efficiency has a great article on how to make journaling a ritual. Their how-to includes daily, weekly, monthly, and annual journal templates. Here are the daily and weekly ones:
Daily Template
- What happened to you today?
- Outcomes, tasks, questions.
- Outcomes are the big things that you want to achieve for the day.
- Tasks are the smaller steps required for achieving outcomes.
- Write down three accomplishments.
- Questions to ask yourself, if relevant:
- What did I read?
- What did I learn?
- What did I do today for my future?
- How did I help someone today?
- Who do I love?
- What am I grateful for?
Weekly Template
- What happened to you this week?
- Outcomes, tasks, questions.
- Review of how the week went.
You can spend five minutes journaling, or you can spend half an hour answering everything in detail. It all depends on the type of daily journaling practice you're hoping to supplement your life with and how much time you have to devote to the ritual.
4. 5-Minute Journal Template

If you're looking for something a little faster, you might want to check out the 5-Minute Journal.
This journaling template is meant to be started in the morning; you then revisit the template again at the end of the day. You can download the app, buy a physical journal, or use this template for Evernote or OneNote.
I am grateful for...
- ...
- ...
- ...
What would make today great?
- ...
- ...
- ...
Daily affirmation: I am...
- ...
Three amazing things that happened today...
- ...
- ...
- ...
How could I have made today better?
- ...
This style of journaling is great if you don't want to spend a lot of time writing, but still want to capture the things that are important to you.
5. Yesterday—Now—Today Journal Template

This journal focuses on three different things: yesterday, now, and the day ahead.
It'll give you a good idea of what's going on in your life, as well as help you look ahead to the future, so you can plan for success. The creator of this template, a man named Michael Hyatt, swears by the efficacy of this journal template.
- What did I do yesterday?
- What lessons did I learn?
- What am I thankful for right now?
- How am I feeling right now?
- What did I read today?
- What are my plans for today?
- What one thing must I accomplish today?
6. 10 Things Journal Template

I came across this journal template from Candy Cook on Pinterest. It immediately caught my eye because it's time-saving while still allowing you to capture a lot of valuable information for your journal.
I am currently...
- Hearing:
- Tasting:
- Reading:
- Wearing:
- Feeling:
- Weather:
- Wanting:
- Needing:
- Thinking:
- Enjoying:
Many of the prompts are based on sensory stimuli, which is a fun way to document your life and what you like to do. There are some prompts here that will require a bit more thought, which is also great.
You can spend as much or as little time as you want on this flexible template. The amount of detail and thought you put in can change day-to-day, depending on how much time you have to sit down.
7. Mindful Minute Journaling Template

Katherine Torrini's template gives you six different categories to jot down your thoughts in. You can go through all six categories, or just focus on a few each day to hone in on certain insights.
Gratitude: List one thing you're grateful for.
Intention: How do you want to be today? Focused? Spontaneous? Light?
Priorities: What are the three most important things you want to do today?
Progress: What progress, however small, have you already made toward your goals?
Opportunity: Every day can be an opportunity. What's yours today?
Request: Ask for what you need—from yourself, your family, or from the universe.
Our Favorite Journal Templates for Download
You only have a limited reserve of mental energy to expend every day; why waste it trying to figure out what to journal about? These templates give you all the benefits of journaling without forcing you to sit and spin your wheels every morning.
With any luck, these seven templates will help you finally get started on a journaling habit. They let you focus on what's important: reflection and growth.