Apple Finally Solved Face ID's Problem with Masks So You Can Unlock Your iPhone Faster - Android Tricks 4 All
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Monday, January 31, 2022

Apple Finally Solved Face ID's Problem with Masks So You Can Unlock Your iPhone Faster

It's 2022, and the coronavirus pandemic is still going strong, meaning many people still wear masks. If that's you, unlocking your iPhone with Face ID is still very inconvenient when donning a face covering — but that's about to change. Apple first tried to address Face ID's mask issue in iOS 13.5 by opening the passcode screen up right away when Face ID detected a face covering. A year later, iOS 14.5 introduced the Unlock with Apple Watch feature, which would unlock your iPhone whenever Face ID detected a masked face, as long as your Apple Watch was nearby and unlocked. Both of those... more



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